There are no escaping these specimens. Wherever you go, even if it is to the 'Land of No Fault,' you will meet a big headed person. When I talk about 'arrogance' I use my fifteen years of experience to describe the people that are happy not do any work or that don't express that much of an interest even in working... because they assume that their families money will get them through life easily. Yes money can buy you the material possessions that are apparently more important than your own family (so I have been lead to believe), but to all the egotistic people out there.... money won't get you a job. At the end of the day, jobs are given to people with actual qualifications and genuine people who seem to care about the job. Not the people that choose GCSE subjects based on ease and then what can only be described as 'slag off' their teachers for making them do work. 'Oh my god, how can she expect us to do all this work?' people will say, whilst I want to jump up in front of the dimwits shouting 'That's why we're at school for 30 hours a week you utter...' I'll let you finish that one off. I understand that not everyone will talk about school enthusiastically and not everyone will get amazing grades, but I cannot tolerate the ones that ridicule others for trying and don't put any effort in at all, just so that they can fit in with the cool crowd. Additionally, I thought that in our last year of secondary education this concept would be fairly obvious to sixteen year olds: school is not a nursery. We don't attend school to their sit drooling with our mouth open, cry when we don't get our own way and have a nap time (.........although I may benefit from a nap every now and then).
Looking at who you may see as Mr or Mrs Perfect, believe me- THEY ARE NOT. I know they will show off to you about how amazing their life is, but the constant desire to impress that they are demonstrating highlights that all is not well. Power, possessions and perfection are all a mask to hide someone who is actually very insecure and wants to be accepted. Don't worry BWW readers, I am not going soft on you, this is still a Mullaney rant. However, it needs to be remembered that the people parading around on their high horse are often the ones that at some point, have fallen off. Showing off about their latest gadget for example, is their way of making you believe that they are happy and have a great life, because they feel overshadowed by others and are craving attention.
As hard as it may seem, the best way to deal with these people is to learn to laugh at them. I don't mean just walk up to them, laugh and walk off (although there is no denying that would be hilarious); I mean that when they are doing your head in about their useless drivel, remember that you don't care, which is why it's so funny that they are trying to impress you. Alternatively to laughing, try confusing them- unintelligent arrogant people can't cope with 'big words,' or cleverly worded sarcasm.
I am in no way saying 'Be a mean bitter person and treat them badly,' because then you are just sinking to their level, which is the worst thing that can happen. Simply be polite- good manners cost nothing after all- without being overly friendly and turn the other cheek. Why you may ask? My answer being that these people will eventually get their comeuppance and when they do, they will be jealous of you. They will be jealous that you have worked hard and are succeeding, whilst their money could only get them so far in life. If you remember to learn to laugh at them, you'll be having the last laugh. After all, I'd rather be the loser who worked hard for her GCSE's and did well, than the cool-kid who couldn't care less and did rubbish.
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